Let's normalize going to the dentist without our mouth hurting.
We can do much more for you than fixing a broken tooth., a cavity or swollen gum.

When a patient arrives for a consultation, two things happen at the same time.:

1. We analyze the origin of the condition and how it can affect your body and life in general..

2. We look for the most optimal solution for your case.

Science, experience and care.


Do you wake up with a dry mouth?? Do you feel like you don't rest?¿Roncas? You are probably breathing badly., through the mouth, altering the oral balance and the health of your body.

Dental Sleep Medicine is the dental specialty in charge of treating sleep disorders., more commonly Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (SAOS); If it is diagnosed early, it can be treated through intraoral devices that improve air flow..


Balanced and properly functioning teeth are much more than a beautiful smile., It is the basis of your body's balance. Thus, Taking care of your bite and chewing is essential for the correct development and functioning of the stomatognathic system and its great impact on the rest of our body..

The RNO, in line with our philosophy based on prevention and minimal invasion, It is aimed at diagnosing and treating occlusal problems from a very early age., functional and growth and development of the jaws to avoid more complex treatments in the future.

At Ugarte Dental we are experts in this discipline, and we are trained to diagnose and carry out a neuro-occlusal treatment and rehabilitation plan that restores the health of the entire masticatory system and, but still, to the rest of the body.


Sports dentistry is the discipline specialized in the prevention and treatment of oral pathologies that can affect the general condition of the athlete., your quality of life, and of course, to your sporting performance.

The relationship between breathing and the performance of an athlete has been proven. To promote nasal breathing it is very important that the mouth meets certain requirements.

Let's look at some examples. In medium and high impact sports, dental or jaw fractures are very common., or the great feared dental avulsions; in snow sports, The cold air together with the high speed produces greater dental sensitivity that will cause the athlete, unconsciously, Reduce your driving speed, affecting your performance.; In aquatic athletes, enamel can be damaged by chlorine..


In addition to the previous specialties, At Ugarte Dental we have the most popular dental treatments. Always applied from an approach that seeks comprehensive and permanent well-being.

– Periodontics
– Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry
– Endodontics and Dental Traumatology
– Pediatric dentistry
– Orthodontics and Orthopedics
– Implantology
– Orofacial Harmonization